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Soekris Engineering, Inc.

Power up Reset / SATA problem on net5501

A number of boards rev 4 or older have random problems with power up reset and/or SATA detect or use. You have one of those boards if either:

1) Board does not power up correctly every time it's power cycled.

2) SATA drive is not detected every time, or there are excessive errors accessing SATA drive.

These problems are fixed on rev 5 dated 080928 (produced in September of 2008) and newer boards. We will repair any of the old boards with this problem at no charge, as a courtesy and a specific exception to our 3 year warranty,  but you will have to pay for shipping both ways. 

Depending on what is most convenient for you, you will need to return the board to either Soekris Engineering in USA or Soekris Europe in Denmark and have the board updated.

To return it to Soekris Engineering in USA please email saying you have a board with issue 0007/0008.

To return it to Soekris Europe in Denmark please email saying you have a board with issue 0007/0008.

If possible, please ship only the board without case and power supply as that will make it cheaper to ship and faster to update. We will make every effort to do it as fast as practically possible.

Note: comBIOS vers 1.33b disables the SATA interface, use only comBIOS 1.33 or 1.33c for SATA testing.